Adding Publications and Setup To add a new publication within SendMyAd, select the Actions dropdown and select Add Publication under Manage > Publications. Users...
Creating Ad Requests and Reservations If you would like to create an ad reservation for your customer or advertiser, this can be done through the...
Adding New Issues Select the Issues tab in the left-hand menubar and select Actions > Add Issue from the drop-down. Users will be prompted to enter information about the...
Approval Cycles Approval cycles allow publishers to create specific approvals in place for ad uploads (for example, advertiser approvals and publisher approvals)....
Managing Groups Groups can be used to control the specific rights that users within your company have within the portal. For example,...
Reports To download Reports, select Information > Reports in the main lefthand sidebar. The view will show a list of available reports...
Managing Users The Users section of the site allows Administrators to manage users within their company. Administrators can perform actions such as...
Advanced Actions Menu The Advanced Actions Menu found in the bottom toolbar when viewing an ad in the ad details view allows publishers a place...