Branding Your Site


  1. Login to your SendMyAd portal with a publisher admin account.
  2. From the Manage List, select Company Profile.
  3. Expand “Look and Feel” at the end of the Settings list.
  4. Click “Change Company Logo”.
  5. Click “Browse for File” and locate the desired file on your computer.
    1. Acceptable file formats:  .jpg, .png, .gif
    2. Image should be no larger than 190 x 60 pixels
    3. Image should include a transparent background for best results.
  6. Once your image has been uploaded, log out and refresh site to view the change.

Editing Your Front Page Main Image


  1. Login to your SendMyAd portal with a publisher admin account.
  2. From the Manage List, select Company Profile
  3. Expand “Look and Feel” at the end of the Settings list.
  4. Click “Change Front Page Main Image”.
  5. Click “Browse for File” and locate the desired file on your computer.
    1. Acceptable file formats:  .jpg only
    2. Image should be no larger than 780 x 254 pixels
    3. Image resolution should be 72 dpi and optimized for web
    4. TIP: In Firefox you can go to your login screen, then right click the main image on screen, then select view background image. You can save this image as a template for size.
  6. Once your image has been uploaded, log out and refresh site to view the change.

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