Materials ID

The Materials ID is a unique string that is generated for each ad uploaded to SendMyAd that can be used to track the ad within the site.


Materials ID Setup Settings

  • Allow your users to edit the Materials ID manually
  • User automated Materials ID system
  • Generate Materials ID when:
  • For Materials ID unique
  • Materials ID Format

Editing Your Materials ID


Please consult with SendMyAd support before changing the default pattern of the Materials ID. Your changes may affect the materials ID assigned to pickup ads. Only Admin users or users that are members of a group that has permission to access the Company Profile can edit the Materials ID.

  1. Under “Views” select “Company Profile“.
  2. Click on the “General Settings” pulldown on the right, to view the options within.
  3. Under the “General Settings” subheading is the option “Materials ID Format:” and the current format will be listed.
  4. Click “Edit Materials ID Format” to enter the the editor.
  5. You should see your current Materials ID format displayed as a series of variables, as well as a series of “Possible Values” that can be clicked on to add their variable to the format.
  6. If desired, you can also hardcode alphanumeric characters, as well as underscores and hyphens.
  7. Once you have your Materials ID format entered as desired, click the “Close” button to save the changes.

Materials ID Examples

Below is a list of the possible values that can be entered into the Materials ID editor. The actual variable is displayed within the parenthesis:

Publication Code (%publicationCode%):

Inserts the Publication Code that is entered in the publication set up.


  • If the publication code in the publication set up is entered as “TST
  • MaterialsId format entered as:  %publicationCode%-12345
  • MaterialsId displays as:  TST-12345

Publication Name First Letter (%publicationNameFL%)

Inserts the first letter of the publication name.


  • If the publication name is “Test
  • MaterialsId format entered as:  %publicationNameFL%
  • MaterialsId displays as:  T-12345

Publication Materials Code (%publicationMatCode%)

Inserts the Materials Code that is entered in the publication set up


  • If the materials code in the publication set up is entered as “MatTST
  • MaterialsId format entered as:  %publicationMatCode%-
  • MaterialsId displays as:  MatTST-12345

Advertiser Code (%AdvCode%)

Inserts the Advertiser Code that is entered in the Advertisers’ Company Profile.


  • If the advertiser company is “ABC Advertising” and the code in their company profile is: ABC
  • MaterialsId format entered as:  %AdvCode%-
  • MaterialsId displays as:  ABC-12345

5 Digits Publication Unique (%5UD%)

Inserts a 5 digit string starting at 00000 and counting sequentially up for each new ad.


  • MaterialsId format entered as: %5UD%
  • For the first ad uploaded to the system, MaterialsId displays as:  00001
  • For the second ad uploaded to the system, MaterialsId displays as:  00002

7 Digits Publication Unique (%7UD%):

Inserts a 7 digit string starting at 0000000 and counting sequentially up for each new ad.


  • MaterialsId format entered as: %7UD%
  • For the first ad uploaded to the system, MaterialsId displays as:  0000001
  • For the second ad uploaded to the system, MaterialsId displays as:  0000002

A common MaterialsId format is the Publication Code followed by the 5 or 7 digit unique string.

Example: Two publications, one is named “Test 1” with a publication code of “TST1“, and the second publication named “Test 2” with a publication code of “TST2

MaterialsId format is entered as:  %publicationCode%-%5UD%

  • The first ad uploaded to SendMyAd is uploaded to the “Test 1” publication, the materialsId for this ad will be:  TST1-00001
  • The second ad uploaded to SendMyAd is uploaded to the “Test 2” publication, the materialsId for this ad will be:  TST2-00002
  • The third ad uploaded to SendMyAd is uploaded to the “Test 1” publication, the materialsId for this ad will be:  TST1-00003

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